For Volkswagen Caddy III 2003-2019 Roof Rails and Roof Rack Cross Bars Plus Full Set Silver Medien-Miniaturansichten
For Volkswagen Caddy III 2003-2019 Roof Rails and Roof Rack Cross Bars Plus Full Set Silver-1
For Volkswagen Caddy III 2003-2019 Roof Rails and Roof Rack Cross Bars Plus Full Set Silver-2
For Volkswagen Caddy III 2003-2019 Roof Rails and Roof Rack Cross Bars Plus Full Set Silver-3
For Volkswagen Caddy III 2003-2019 Roof Rails and Roof Rack Cross Bars Plus Full Set Silver-4
Paw Pro Bar Ladder Aluminium Roof Rack And Cross Bars Set, Fits Nemo Van 2018--> Black
Paw Pro Bar Ladder Aluminium Roof Rack And Cross Bars Set, Fits Nemo Van 2018--> Silver

For Volkswagen Caddy III 2003-2019 Roof Rails and Roof Rack Cross Bars Plus Full Set Silver

auto paw Artikelnummer: 5425525 Barcode: 8683255425525

  • Brand: Volkswagen
  • Model: Caddy
  • Years: 2003-2019
  • Roof Type: Fix Point
  • Color: Silver
  • Profile Dimensions :


* zzgl. Versandkosten

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Elevate Your Vehicle's Cargo Capabilities with Precision and Style

Introducing the perfect combination of form and function for your vehicle's cargo needs. Our Plus Series Roof Side Rails and Pro 1 Series Roof Rack have been meticulously designed to provide a superior and custom-tailored solution for your cargo-carrying requirements.

Plus Series Roof Side Rails:

  • Symmetrical Design: These side rails are engineered to perfection, offering a set of rails that are identical in length for both the driver and passenger sides. This ensures a seamless and balanced appearance while maximizing the roof's load-bearing capacity.
  • No-Drill Installation: Say goodbye to the hassle of drilling holes into your vehicle's roof. These side rails are designed for easy installation, without the need for any drilling, simplifying the mounting process.
  • Custom/Tailored Made: These side rails are custom-made to fit your specific vehicle model, ensuring a secure and precise fit that seamlessly integrates with your vehicle's design.
  • Vehicle-Specific Compatibility: Engineered to match the exact specifications of particular vehicle models, ensuring they are optimized for your vehicle's size, shape, and roof structure.
  • Enhanced Aesthetics: The custom-tailored design not only guarantees a perfect fit but also contributes to a more aesthetically pleasing appearance, complementing your vehicle's contours and design elements.
  • Improved Safety: Custom-fitted side rails offer enhanced safety by reducing wind noise, drag, or vibrations during travel, specifically engineered to handle the unique demands of your vehicle.

Pro 1 Series Roof Rack:

  • Custom Made: Designed exclusively for your raised rail cars, our crossbars ensure the best compatibility and performance, tailored for your car.
  • Aerodynamic Design: Built to carry the maximum load allowed by traffic rules, with a powerful design that features a soft rubber pad to prevent scratching. The painted surface adds style and sportiness.
  • T-Slot: Thanks to the T channels on the profiles, it's effortless to install rack accessories.
  • Versatile Function: Use the roof rack crossbar with required accessories to carry a wide range of cargo, from Cargo Boxes to Kayaks, Bikes, and more.
  • Durable Material: Made of high-grade aluminum alloy that's lightweight, durable, rustproof, and resistant to high temperatures in all weather conditions.
  • Anti-Theft: A built-in locking system on the crossbars prevents theft.
  • Easy Installation: Quick assembly and removal, all hardware included, with no drilling or cutting required. Stability is ensured with a durable and firm clamping mechanism.
  • Reduced Wind Noise: Special design minimizes wind noises and streamlines eliminate wind noise or vibration. Included rubber sealing strips reduce wind noise when traveling.
  • Impressive Capacity: Dynamically 75kg and Statically 400kg.

Package Includes:

  • Plus Series Roof Side Rails: 2Qty Rails
  • Pro 1 Series Roof Rack: 2Qty Roof Racks


  • Our products come pre-assembled with all necessary installation tools included. Installation is straightforward, but please ensure correct installation to prevent damages.
  • For specific requirements or questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Upgrade your vehicle with the ultimate cargo solution that combines precision engineering, style, and versatility. Order today and experience the convenience and aesthetics these products have to offer.

Based on your specific needs and wishes, All solutions for roof racks might be done, Please specify,contact us for any specific requirements.

- Please note that we only ship on business days, ordering  before 2pm  will be shipped the same day.

Elevate Your Vehicle's Cargo Capabilities with Precision and Style

Introducing the perfect combination of form and function for your vehicle's cargo needs. Our Plus Series Roof Side Rails and Pro 1 Series Roof Rack have been meticulously designed to provide a superior and custom-tailored solution for your cargo-carrying requirements.

Plus Series Roof Side Rails:

  • Symmetrical Design: These side rails are engineered to perfection, offering a set of rails that are identical in length for both the driver and passenger sides. This ensures a seamless and balanced appearance while maximizing the roof's load-bearing capacity.
  • No-Drill Installation: Say goodbye to the hassle of drilling holes into your vehicle's roof. These side rails are designed for easy installation, without the need for any drilling, simplifying the mounting process.
  • Custom/Tailored Made: These side rails are custom-made to fit your specific vehicle model, ensuring a secure and precise fit that seamlessly integrates with your vehicle's design.
  • Vehicle-Specific Compatibility: Engineered to match the exact specifications of particular vehicle models, ensuring they are optimized for your vehicle's size, shape, and roof structure.
  • Enhanced Aesthetics: The custom-tailored design not only guarantees a perfect fit but also contributes to a more aesthetically pleasing appearance, complementing your vehicle's contours and design elements.
  • Improved Safety: Custom-fitted side rails offer enhanced safety by reducing wind noise, drag, or vibrations during travel, specifically engineered to handle the unique demands of your vehicle.

Pro 1 Series Roof Rack:

  • Custom Made: Designed exclusively for your raised rail cars, our crossbars ensure the best compatibility and performance, tailored for your car.
  • Aerodynamic Design: Built to carry the maximum load allowed by traffic rules, with a powerful design that features a soft rubber pad to prevent scratching. The painted surface adds style and sportiness.
  • T-Slot: Thanks to the T channels on the profiles, it's effortless to install rack accessories.
  • Versatile Function: Use the roof rack crossbar with required accessories to carry a wide range of cargo, from Cargo Boxes to Kayaks, Bikes, and more.
  • Durable Material: Made of high-grade aluminum alloy that's lightweight, durable, rustproof, and resistant to high temperatures in all weather conditions.
  • Anti-Theft: A built-in locking system on the crossbars prevents theft.
  • Easy Installation: Quick assembly and removal, all hardware included, with no drilling or cutting required. Stability is ensured with a durable and firm clamping mechanism.
  • Reduced Wind Noise: Special design minimizes wind noises and streamlines eliminate wind noise or vibration. Included rubber sealing strips reduce wind noise when traveling.
  • Impressive Capacity: Dynamically 75kg and Statically 400kg.

Package Includes:

  • Plus Series Roof Side Rails: 2Qty Rails
  • Pro 1 Series Roof Rack: 2Qty Roof Racks


  • Our products come pre-assembled with all necessary installation tools included. Installation is straightforward, but please ensure correct installation to prevent damages.
  • For specific requirements or questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Upgrade your vehicle with the ultimate cargo solution that combines precision engineering, style, and versatility. Order today and experience the convenience and aesthetics these products have to offer.

Based on your specific needs and wishes, All solutions for roof racks might be done, Please specify,contact us for any specific requirements.

- Please note that we only ship on business days, ordering  before 2pm  will be shipped the same day.

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